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Please be aware of the Warnings page. Click on the titles to the solos!

Soren is a small boy trying to navigate life with a rather cold mother figure. He longs to leave the house and live like his peers.


Soren is sold off to an old sage, who believes him to be a Spirit Charmer. Because of this, the old man trains the young boy tirelessly until he passes.


After seeking asylum in a nearby beorc village, Soren comes across a grim realization. They refuse to help him because the laguz look down on him and he finds himself on the brink of oblivion.


After wandering the land, searching for the only boy who held out a warm hand to him, he happens upon a church in Crimea and they welcome him into their church.


Soren sets off on his journey to find Ike, scouring Tellius for the blue-haired boy. With new knowledge and skills in his arsenal, he is fully prepared for anything that may come his way.

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