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Writer Information

» Please call me Chy (Shai)!
» Doubling as a tired artist
» She/her
» 22
» Very-anxiety driven
» If you want my personal account, feel free to ask for it!
» Favorite ship is IkeSoren
» My fave color is purple! 💜


Account rules to read through and consider before and while RPing with me. All of these are in place because I have experienced these scenarios more than once and they take the fun out of RP for me. They also help to keep RP genuine, fair, and easy for both parties.


Feel free to take and use for yourself if you feel it's needed.


» No DM RP unless I say otherwise, or asked first and consented by me.

DMs will be used strictly for writer-to-writer chat by default.

» Do NOT DM me randomly for personal information or to establish an IRL romantic relationship.

I'm all for making friends, and please feel free to call me Chy! But beyond this, I choose who I disclose my information to.


» No lewd RP TL for the courtesy of others.


» No lewd DM RPs unless consented by both parties, especially me, and context/basis must be established between our characters.

Obviously doesn't apply to ships. Don't randomly jump into my DMs looking to hit it and quit it.

» Do not ask to do lewd RP if you are under the age of 18.


» Ships with chemistry only.

I'm all for plotting and planning for a relationship, but I still prefer chemistry to be established. The only exception to this rule is Ike due to pre-established strong chem.

» Ships will be recorded and posted under my pinned tweet.
This will be the best way for me to keep track of everyone so please check there for my ships!
» All ships will exist outside of my canon timeline and in separate AUs.
These are strictly for fun and exploring the ways Soren would navigate casual relationships. None of these AUs are meant to interact/collide with each other in any way so I won't mention them existing together (although I may crack a few jokes when OOC). These will not be recorded in the chart on the Timeline B page. Also, for the sake of my own sanity, please be courteous to me and my other shipping AUs, and DO NOT mention them existing in the same AU!
» I will only be doing up to 4 ships.
This is my first time doing this so I'm starting off small! If all of my ship slots are full but you still really want to ship with me, please let me know! Do note, any extra slots opened will require strong chem from now on!
» If an issue comes up with our ship, or your ability to ship with me, let me know!

I may not see something generally posted on the TL so just shoot me a quick message when you can if I don't see it!

» I will NOT ship with 2nd gen FEA characters and pre-TS FE3H characters.

» I will NOT ship or lewd with furries, scalies, etc.

Please don't ask me to. Although, the Laguz, with heavy chem provided, are fine.


» NO 2nd person RP.

This means no “You start to feel,” “You begin to imagine,” “I stab you,” or anything of the sort that controls my character in any way. I do accept certain conditions of  2nd-person, but otherwise, if it's used in that sense, the RP will be both ignored and dropped.


» Don't ask me to RP another character on this account.

» Do not follow or interact if you're under the age of 18.

Some NSFW jokes and situations may be made/alluded to so I'd feel better if I didn't have minors on my page. The first follow will be met with a softblock. The second time will be met with a hardblock.

» If you follow me on a non-RP account, do not expect a followback.

If I do end up following you back, even if I know you, you will be muted to keep my TL strictly RP-related content.


» Do NOT follow and unfollow excessively for a follow-back.

This is extremely annoying. You'll just be ignored the second time you do it.



» Don't pester me to get on an account.
If I don't have muse, then that's that. It's not personal. I may be busy or not feeling up to RP at any given time and I won't force myself to be on the account because the responses WILL be crappy. I don't like giving out crappy responses.


» Don't attempt to guilt-trip me into RPing with you.

You'll be ignored and blocked.


» No political rhetoric.

Please. We're all here to escape the real world. Respect that most of us don't want to hear it or deal with the backlash of  you stating your opinions in a fictional space.

» DO NOT follow me if your account is pedophilic/borderline pedophilic or if you are a MAP/MAP associate.

If you do follow me, expect to be immediately blocked.

» Do not take anything I do or say through my character seriously.
As in, don't take what Soren says as something I would say IRL. This is fiction, and despite his development,
he can still be very cold. Don't mix RL and RP together and make things personal. You'll be ignored if you're ignorant.


» If  you have a problem with something I've posted, please feel free to come and tell me about it.
I’m open to working and talking things out and taking down a post, but not if you're ignorant about the situation. Be civilized and I'll be understanding.
» If I softblock you (a sudden, mutual unfollowing), please don't follow back.
If I haven't made an announcement regarding Twitter messing with my follows and we are suddenly unfollowing each other, 9/10 times I've softblocked you. I'm open to conversation as to why but don't expect to change my mind about my decision.


» If I ever forget to respond to a RP that doesn't meet any of the conditions here, please, remind me!
I hate leaving people hanging and 9/10 times, I haven't dropped something on purpose. :c
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